The Best Slide Presentation Branding Secrets

Want to Make Updating Backgrounds and Logos in PowerPoint Easy?

Everyone struggles with creating the perfect presentation at some point in their career or life. Whether you’re a startup founder working on the perfect pitch to investors, or you need to create a presentation to pitch your new idea to leadership, or your boss requests a slide deck detailing the performance of your recent marketing campaign. Everyone has wasted hours looking at a blank title slide not knowing what to do next.

Whether you work for a team that has branded PowerPoint decks ready to go, or you’re an entrepreneur starting out for the first time, this guide will help you with even the small things like changing a slide background or adding your logo to a pitch deck.

Upload Images to PowerPoint with Ease

This guide contains presentation decks downloaded directly from our This presentation deck is from our Grab and Go content selection. Let’s see how simple it is to personalize this with custom images to update the look and feel.

First, when you launch any PowerPoint template from Kroma, remember to hit Enable Editing.

Here’s how to update your slide presentation deck theme with a custom brand logo:

  1. First, select and delete the current logo by finding the “Insert” menu item in the navigation.
  2. Go to Insert > Pictures > This Device.
  3. Find the image you are wanting to use in your slide presentation deck, choose it, and insert it.

Pro Tip:
One useful PowerPoint trick is removing the background of your image. These colors will really pop against the black in our example.

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