Customizing Powerpoint Presentations to Clients & Businesses: Is It Worth It?

Have you ever been to a presentation and felt it was a little… blah? As if you were hearing something that wasn’t interesting or even slightly relatable to you? If so – you know this feeling leaves a lasting impression that can make or break a deal, pitch, or partnership. So, the big question: how do you avoid this? Customize your presentation to the audience whether it’s a client, business, internal team, or investors. (We repeat, customize your presentation!)

Why should you customize your presentation?

Much like it’s recommended to tailor your resume and cover letter to the job you’re applying for – you should tailor your presentation to the audience you’re speaking to. For example, your presentation should be different if you’re speaking to two vs 20 vs 200. Similarly, you should present differently to internal team members compared to external clients and businesses.

Does that mean it’s recommended to completely overhaul your presentation every time? Not necessarily.  While you may have a PowerPoint template that you love – there’s still room to adjust your presentation in small yet significant ways.

How to customize a Powerpoint presentation – 5 Tips 

From adding logos to including compelling images, here are five practical ways to customize your presentation based on your audience:

  • Incorporate logos (this includes internal logos along with a client or business’s logo)
  • Change the title of your presentation
  • Consider adjusting the colors of your presentation to match the client you’re pitching to. For example, orange for Headspace, pink for Airbnb, and  green for Whatsapp. (Find out how to change your PPT template colors.)
  • Integrate the client/business values and mission
  • Use compelling images that appeal to their business

These adjustments may seem small, but they make a big impact. Not only does it physically include the audience into your presentation, but it also shows your audience that you’re presenting with them in mind.

Here are some do’s and don’ts to consider when you’re building a PowerPoint and preparing for a presentation.


  • Know your audience. If you don’t know the needs and goals of the client, it’s going to be really hard to appeal to them. Look at their website, social accounts, etc.
  • Listen. One of the best ways to include your audience in the presentation is to make space for them to speak, ask questions, and share their own thoughts.
  • Use a legible font. If people can’t read your slides, it will make it very easy to check out and stop paying attention.
  • Minimize distractions. In a Prezi survey, 46% of respondents admitted that they’ve been distracted during a co-worker’s presentation (according to Forbes). While some things are out of your control – do what you can to make the environment as conducive to retention and learning as possible.


  • Skip structure. While you’re adjusting a template, there’s usually no need to start from scratch.
  • Forget about competitors. Overlooking the competition is a big mistake. It’s a sign you know your audience when you know their competition.
  • Fill the screen. White space is integral to a professional powerpoint presentation.

While you’re here, check out a list of five PowerPoint presentations to have in your bag of tricks.

Final Thoughts

As the saying goes, put yourself in someone else’s shoes. If you were listening to your presentation – would you find it interesting and relevant? How can you put more of your client/audience into your presentation? Asking these simple questions is already a great start that shows you care and want to make the most of your presentations.

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